Books & Upcoming Projects

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8 min read

Beyond The Bindi

Beyond The Bindi is a multi-author anthology relaying stories and ideas around womanhood and femininity from Hindu perspectives from the West.
8 min read

Mountain Goddesses

This book explores the the region of Jammu, India, in ways which would not otherwise be seen.
8 min read

Close Encounters

Abhijit Kothiwale's thrilling debut, 'Close Encounters' will reshape your understanding of the world whilst reflecting on the most influential battles in the history of mankind.
8 min read

The Hypocrite Within

Mayuran Senthilnathan, author of 'Avatars of the Master' invites you to recognise the ego and return to your true self. His latest book based on the Mahabharata.
8 min read

To Ve or not To Ve

Gaurav Prinja offers an emotionally sober critique of veganism from a lifelong vegetarian's perspective. The philosophy, the biology and the economics.

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